VISD Education Foundation Awards Over $63K to Educators in 2023
The Victoria ISD Education Foundation presented 13 grant awards to winners of its Grants for Great Ideas and Seed Grant competition at a ceremony hosted at the VISD Administration building on May 16 in time for schools and departments to implement their projects by the start of the 2023-2024 school year. In total, $63,313 was awarded to support innovative and inspirational projects intended to spark academic and social genius in the lives of Victoria ISD students.
The grant title, award amount, and recipients are listed below.
Grants for Great Ideas:
The Paw Patch-a Sensory-Rich Immersive Outdoor Classroom; $3,713; Torres Elementary (Outdoor Classroom)
Girls in STEM; $5,000; All Middle Schools (STEM Summer Camp)
Exposure and Experiences in STEM with the Traveling Touch Tanks; $2,150; STEM Middle School (Hands-on STEM Careers Opportunity in collaboration with the San Antonio Bay Partnership)
Empowering Future Innovators: Revolutionizing STEM Education through 3-D printing; $3998; Smith STEM Academy (3-D Printing)
Play Away Your Day with Wonderbooks!; $5,000; All Elementary Campuses K-5 Reading and Phonics for Dyslexia (Innovative Books)
Growing our Genius; $4,643; Smith STEM Academy (School Garden)
Speak Freely Society; $4,969; Elementary, Middle, and Highschool 5-12 (Club to promote communicative self-confidence in real-world environments with preteens and teens who stutter)
Seed Grants (Each school received a book vending machine package worth $5,640) :
a. Aloe Elementary
b. Chandler Elementary
c. Crain Elementary
d. DeLeon Elementary
e. Schorlemmer Elementary
f. Shields Elementary
*Note: In prior years, the Education Foundation funded book vending machines at Hopkins, Smith, and Torres.